Who has measured the waters in the mere hollow of his hand, and taken the proportions of the heavens themselves with a mere span and included in a measure the dust of the earth, or weighed with an indicator the mountains, and the hills in the scales? Who has taken the proportions of the spirit of Jehovah, and who as his man of counsel can make him know anything? With whom did he consult together that one might make him understand, or who teaches him in the path of justice, or teaches him knowledge, or makes him know the very way of real understanding? Isaiah 40:12-14
“If you do look for Jehovah your God from there, you will also certainly find him, because you will inquire for him with all your heart and with all your soul. When you are in sore straits and all these words have found you out at the close of the days, then you will have to return to Jehovah your God and to listen to his voice. For Jehovah your God is a merciful God. He will not desert you or bring you to ruin or forget the covenant of your forefathers that he swore to them". Deuteronomy 4:29-31
The Bible admonishes us: "Do not be loving either the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him; because everything in the world-the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the showy display of one's means of life-does not originate with the Father, but originates with the world. Furthermore, the world is passing away and so is its desire, but he that does the will of God remains forever." (1 John 2:15-17)
Most people today are motivated by fleshly desires-uncontrolled sexual appetite, greedy pursuit of money, and abusive use of power. But to be on Jehovah's side, one must overcome such desires.—Collossians 3:5-8.
"That which is made crooked cannot be made straight." (Ecclesiastes 1:15) The crooked system of things cannot be straightened out. Is it reasonable to make oneself "a friend of the world" by trying to save a worldwide system that God is determined to eliminate?
It is one thing to flee from the endangered system, but it is quite another to remain in the protective care of "the whole association of brothers." (1 Peter 2:17) Let us not forget the farmers who, after being evacuated, went back to check their fields near Mount Fugen. (On June 3, 1991, a sudden eruption and explosion of hot gases swept nearly 3 miles (5 km) from the mountain, killing 43 volcano observers and reporters. Among the journalists and volcanologists killed in 1991 was Harry Glicken (1958-1991), who had been scheduled to observe Mount St. Helens on May 18, 1980. His replacement, David Johnston, was killed in that eruption.)Probably, they were anxious to return to the "normal" life they used to have. But you realize that their decision to go back was unwise. Perhaps that was not their first attempt to cross the line. They might have stepped into the perilous area just for a little while and nothing happened. The next time, they might have stayed a little longer, and still nothing happened. Likely, they soon became accustomed to crossing the protective line and were emboldened to linger in the endangered area.
What is meant by this is that we as God's people must not be pulled into worldly pursuits, because worldly pursuits are passing away. What does this say to us as human beings? It says that if you are a friend of the world you cannot possibly be a friend of God. Literally speaking, if you put all your trust and hopes on a world that is passing away, then you cannot possibly believe in what God has in store for you or be prepared for New Jerusalem. Do not be troubled by what others may think or say about any of your decisions concerning God, since when you fully open up yourself up to God and accept the Kingdom of God, you will no doubt be misunderstood. You will be hated, persecuted, laughed at, mocked, and have every manner of evil men pursue you, plan and carefully orchestrate your demise, because Satan knows that you understand the intricate workings of this world and are not attracted to it. Satan will indeed put up walls, where there should be roads, put obstacles in place and aim people's insincerity and hatred against you, but be steadfast and hold onto God's Word. Do not be deterred from your goal of being at Christ's side when he comes back to reclaim the world, and do not be put off by anything or anyone that Satan will surely send your way to attack you and take your crown. When you think of sacrifice, think of the Apostles who sacrificed all they had to follow Christ, when at that time it wasn't quite the greatest thing to do. To inherit the Kingdom of God means that there is no sacrifice too good that would come between you and the call of God. I experience Satan's wrath in my own life, which I re-dedicated to God some time ago. Satan has sent all sorts of people to remove me from God, but Satan has not triumphed. I have opened myself up fully to the Power of God, submitted myself in totality to Him and am a catalyst through which God uses me for His own purposes. I do not consider myself a great orator or writer, but I believe I can reach people by what I write, through inspiration to read what comes from God! Anything I write or post on this blog is directly an inspiration from God. Anything I reprint and use from anywhere else, is also an inspiration from God, and it is my desire to reach people this way. It is my sincere hope that I can touch as many people on this Blog and bring them to know Jehovah. This is what I am doing and intend to keep doing. Satan has no hold on me, since he did not create me! I hope that when people read my posts, that they will take from them what I do, a deeper understanding of Jehovah and his laws and principles. I welcome any comments from anyone wishing for a deeper relationship with God. It is also my hope that we can all come together as a people of God and put aside our differences and truly know God and worship Him in everything we do and say.
Satan is an intelligent entity that realizes when God sends people to accomplish His work here on earth. Satan will put every obstacle in your way and cause people to attack, persecute, slander and do every kind of evil against you. Satan trembles at the thought of Jesus Christ reclaiming the Earth and will do everything in his power to deflect God. He will make men instruments of hate, doing vile things, putting people at odds with each other, because when you divide, you conquer! Do not be put off by Satan's vile words that are vocalized through people that are there to derail you. Do not let Satan ruin your relationship with God. Satan's converts mistakenly believe that they can ruin everything God has ordained, when in reality they are only furthering and strengthening God's purpose. Satan's cohorts are constantly trying to create disorder and to distract us from God's true Word. How can we as a people dismiss Satan? It is a lot easier than we can imagine. When you hear hateful words from any of Satan's cohorts, dismiss it immediately. When Satan's henchmen come after you and try to set everyone against you, know that he is only strengthening you for battle against him. Satan has no hold on anything ordained of God!
Believe that God already has everything in perfect order and balance and has already put in place everything you need for what purpose He has chosen you to carry out. I have had people use their power, influence and finances to derail me and make a mockery of my life because of what I represent from a Biblical perspective and my refusal to move away from God. Satan has inspired my detractors to calculate out my birthday, time of birth, place of birth etc., using Biblical numerical calculations. This in turn has caused them to build up a set of beliefs, bringing them to the conclusion that I am possibly a part of God's Master Plan. There are many similarities with myself, my family members, our dates of birth, our names, and occupations that closely align up with passages in the Bible. That being said, I believe, is why Satan has employed this set of people to try and derail me. I am so overjoyed that they (Satan's army) have studied me so carefully and put so much time and energy into knowing who I am and what I represent because it IS a part of God's Master Plan and not my own. Even though they do not yet realize it, they are a part of God's Master Plan also! In the near future I will put up information about myself and what I believe to be some of the reasons why my detractors have decided to poison people against me, slander myself and my family, and to silence me when I talk about God and the Kingdom of God. That by the way, will never happen! I will continue to put up inspirational things concerning God and coming back to Him and I will continue to inspire people to know God.
This blog was created to give praise to Jehovah the Almighty. I will put up inspiration posts that may inspire or help anyone reading my blog. I hope this blog will come as a blessing to anyone reading it and also to get you to think more deeply about your belief(s) in Jesus Christ and God. I have devoted my life to God and want to bring more people to know Him and worship Him as I do.
Victorious Lion of Judah
Thanks for sharing this post with us. Yes, Heaven and Earth are Gods creation...And when we depend on God as Jesus has taught us we can have heaven on earth manifested in our lives.
ReplyDeleteDespite the devils tactics to derail and destroy-we WIN always. Its our right and heritage in Christ.